
Feeling Is Just A Feeling!

A thought that reached my lips and never found the way out!
A thought that reached my eyes and keeps checking you out!

Silence everywhere...As we part our ways!
Memories that kept us together...Now just seem to fade away!

Questioning us both...Sometimes me...Sometimes you!
Questioning ourselves...Only me...Only you!

Like a fragrance in the air...Wandering everywhere!
Sometimes here...Sometimes there...All around and everywhere!

The feeling is such...Words can't explain!
The feeling is such...You can't refrain!

One you cannot regret...One I cannot forget!
One you don't wanna show!...One I don't wanna say!

Easy to be seen by the World...Easy to conceal from us both!
Such this feeling is...Hard to just let go!


Yesterday! Today! Tomorrow!

Yesterday is not Today!
Today is not Tomorrow!

Forget about the Past!
Live each second of Today!

Keep your head up n walk through Life!

Tomorrow will be a better day!


Words of Angel

Open your eyes...see the world...

make yourself a better human being n change it all!

Be a good child...be a good girlfriend/boyfriend...

be a good sibling...be a good friend!

Take the innitiative...give it your best...

believe in yourself...leave out all the rest!

Kill your ego...don't isolate yourself...

coz if you don't...you'll be left alone by yourself!

Create some good memories...ones that you'll never forget...

coz they are the ones that'll stay with you till the end!

Always forgive...but never forget...

your past mistakes are gonna drive you ahead!

You make mistakes...you expect to be given another 


man up,be fair n give others also another chance!

Make an impact...embrace yourself...

love the people around you...they need nothing else!

Make someone smile...bring positivity in life...

do a favor to yourself...bring some color to your life!

Time is money...money is time...

do what you wanna do now...don't waste your time!

Forget the past...forget everything said...

take the paint brush n paint it all red!

Take a risk...give your heart...

play the game n win a heart!

Sing a song...dance around...

that's what makes the world go round! 

Blow a smile...strike a pose...

it's your time to shine...time to Rock n Roll!!!


Arjun ft Jay Mo - With Us or Against Us

I'm New Here!

So,I had nothing to do today and thought I'd make a Blog for myself!
Just to have something to keep me busy! A place where I can openly express my thoughts and views on different matters that I come across in life!
Let's see where we go from here!